Monday, June 20, 2011


Hi guys.

I made a bit of a mistake by making this blog and honestly expecting I would update it every day. It was something to learn from. I apologise. I will be keeping the blog up for people to continue to look through, but I will not be updating this blog any longer.

I would, however, like to direct you to a new project I've begun, entitled NB Finds. I will update this one whenever I feel I have something to update, and have made it a Tumblr so that other people may also submit, instead of sending me separate e-mails. It also encompasses things other than just photos, such as videos, write-ups, and events. Anything that's New Brunswick-related (and safe for work!) goes.

Sorry about this blog, but it's led me to realise that 1. trying to update a blog every single day is just not going to work! 2. updating a blog every day will lead to some lackluster posts. 3. There's so much going on in NB that I really wanted to make a post encompassing all that's going on, and not limit that to photographs. Sometimes an event warrants a lot being said about it!

Please head on over to NB Finds and feel free to contribute as much as you like! All posts will be added to a moderation queue so don't be surprised if you don't see it immediately.

Thanks for those who contributed to Photo a Day NB, and I hope to see some of you at NB Finds!

K. Cooper

Friday, November 5, 2010


A photo of a frosty flower, taken in Moncton, NB. Photo by K. Cooper.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Leaf blanket

Photo taken of Steadman St. in Moncton, covered in freshly fallen leaves. Photo by K. Cooper.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sunset over the lake at Irishtown Nature Park in Tankville, NB. Photo by K. Cooper.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mushroom Mondays: ShadeShrooms

Some mushrooms that were sitting peacefully in the Caribou Plain trail at Fundy National Park. Photo by K. Cooper.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fiddleheads win

Apparently there's some kind of a debate about whether lobster or fiddleheads are better NB food. My answer was fiddleheads times infinity. I thought I would illustrate that point by adding a (very blurry) photo I took about three years ago. Fiddleheads are delicious! Photo taken by K. Cooper in Fundy National Park.